


L&D Training



OS & E

Food Service & Equipment

Bakery & Confectionery

Safety & Maintenance

Life & Safety




Housekeeping Equipment

Waste Management

Health & Medicare

Linen & Room Supply


Health & Fitness

Gym & Spa

Food & Beverage

F & B Daily Supplies



Front Office

Front Office

Clearance Sale!


About Us

HospiSource is an online platform specifically designed for the Hospitality Industry

It was started in an aim to connect the buyers from Restaurants /Hotels/Caterers/ IT&ITES Cafeterias /Factories with the suppliers/ seller ie., OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers), Distributors, Importers and the Operational Suppliers.

This would help in reduction of time taken to find the suppliers both for FF&E (Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment), OS&E (Operating Supplies & Equipment).


The subscription model is free for the buyer but the supplier/Seller will be required to pay an on-boarding fee & annual subscription fee.

The seller will also be rated by the buyer on parameters such as ease of doing business /prompt response/ lead time /proper packaging / delivery within said time frame etc.,

We initially would not support online transactions but should there be a demand to do so, we will consider adding the module on our platform.

This is in line with the Prime Ministers Vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat or Self Reliant India, as our platform will help Indian manufacturers reach the right customer across India and in times to come even globally.

While our aim is to be a platform for Indian & International OEM's we also aim to be a credible source for the buyer and a one stop shop for a purchase manager

Benefits for the Buyer

1. One stop shop online solution for all purchasing needs

2. 24/7 operation of hospisource facilitating

3. Source at your convenience on any device

4. Well segmented product portfolio for clarity in navigation on better
user experience

5. Using Hospisource help you to reduce sourcing lifecycle time adding efficiency
to the purchase function

6. Optimising budgetary cost by sourcing through alternate suppliers

7. Keeping abreast with latest product launches for the HoReCa Industry

8. Finding better deals

Benefits for the Seller

1. Make your presence felt to the valuable of the industry

2. Expand your footprint & marketshare globally

3. Digital support for your marketing

4. Network directly with procurement initiators on a single platform

5. Meet alternative suppliers & collaborate

6. 24/7 operation of the platform

7. Build long term & credible business relationships

8. Right product at competitive price

9. Improving the digital footprint of MSME’s globally for reaching new markets